
Pastor Dan Johnson was raised in a Christian home and assumed he was saved because he lived a better life than his unsaved friends. Through the faithful exposition of the Word, the Spirit clearly convicted him of sin and showed him the error of trusting in his own good works. Dan trusted the work of Christ for his salvation on August 17, 1990. He was baptized by immersion several years later and became a member at First Baptist Church in New Ulm, MN. Dan’s wife, Becky, was raised in a pastor’s home (Dave & Suzanne Rogers of Willmar, MN) and was saved as a child.

Pastor Dan holds degrees from Pillsbury Baptist Bible College (Bachelor of Arts in Bible & Youth Ministry with a minor in Counseling), Maranatha Baptist University (Master of Arts in Bible), and a Master of Divinity degree from Central Seminary. His life and ministry has been consumed with music, participating in traveling music groups since junior high. He has also led congregational worship and directed choirs and orchestra for over a decade.